How does neuronal activity gives rise to phenomenal experience and how do neurons represent information? These questions are important not just because they seem "cool" but rather because they will enable us to build artificial systems that can be sentient. Accordingly, my professional goal is to find principles that we need to know for building sentient machines and transfer information from biological brains into those machines.
I received my pharmacy doctorate from SUMS in Iran and I have been trying to address these questions through different methods such as psychophysics, Electrophysiology, animal behavior, and theoretical analysis. As a graduate student in Newman memory lab, I'm interested in studying neural coding and information transfer in Hippocampus and its interrelated structures. The hope is that this line of research will contribute to elucidation of neural mechanisms of information coding and transfer in neural systems. This is beneficial since experience seems to be nothing more than binding of representations(transfer of coded information). Another angle to attack this problem is theoretical investigation of "consciousness as a state of matter". This hypothesis asserts that consciousness happens when neural ensembles undergo a critical phase transition.
Having these ideas in mind, I will be more than happy to hear about what fellow researchers think about mechanisms of information coding and transfer in neural systems and how we can recreate them in artificial substrates. So don't hesitate to contact me if you want to share your thoughts on these topics!